Conducting Successful Large-Scale Collaborations

Conducting large-scale collaborations by coordinating multiple teams of researchers with data from multiple studies may seem like a daunting task. Luckily, others have written about their experiences and provide some tips for how to make large-scale collaborations successful and productive!

APA Authorship Guidelines & Contributorship

Communication about authorship and roles on a project are important early on, especially when collaborating with new researchers and large teams. APA offers guidelines for the types of contributions that merit authorship. For full transparency, teams can consider adding an Author Contributions Statement to their manuscript.

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Project Proposal Form/MOU

Some Principal Investigators (PIs) require you to complete a project proposal form to use the data. These forms help PIs keep track of how researchers are using the data. Even if a PI does not require a project proposal form, we recommend using our Project Proposal Form/ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Template to initiate collaborations, define roles and responsibilities, and agree upon the terms and conditions. This template can also serve as the basis for pre-registering your research questions and analysis plan.

Pre-Registration of Secondary Data Analysis

There are many benefits of pre-registration, even when using existing datasets and conducting exploratory analyses. Luckily, personality scientists have made it easy for you! They have created pre-registration tutorials and modifiable templates that are integrated right onto the Open Science Framework (OSF).

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Sharing Longitudinal Data

PIs may have different preferences about posting their longitudinal data to open repositories like the OSF. Although data sharing is an important step toward a more transparent and open science, it can be challenging to maintain data security and ensure participant confidentiality with longitudinal data. Here are some general guidelines to consider when posting longitudinal data to an open repository.


All done? Uploading preprints is a good way to disseminate your research to the scientific community and broader public at no cost!

Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash